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Deniz Sar's Cultural Genetics (TM) and Corporate Genetics (TM) Group International.



On Formulating the General Theory and Applications of Cultural Genetics™

by  Deniz Sar, President & CEO of Cultural Genetics Technologies™ Corporation, USA
©  Deniz Sar, New York, USA, 2001. All rights are reserved globally.
February IX, 2001, New York, New York

In the course of the past twenty years, I have personally worked with hundreds of corporate, institutional and private clients as well as with quite a large number of  corporate leaders and top corporate executives from Austria, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, USA and other countries, as a top-management consultant, as a corporate doctor, as a coach and a mentor.

The corporate clients ranked from very large global corporations to medium-size companies competing in various different sectors such as technology, retail, advertisement, media, banking, insurance, software, telecommunications, tourism, entertainment, manufacturing and logistics industries.

I was hired by a select clientele whom I provided with mission-critical assessment, evaluation, audit, diagnosis and therapy services in sales, marketing, advertisement, recruitment, communications, management systems, automation, e-business, organizational development, controlling, investments, partnerships as well as mergers and acquisitions, closely working together with their strategic top-command.

These corporate, institutional and private clients were from different parts of Europe, Middle East, United States and Asia, they were from different industrial sectors, they had different rankings in their respective industries, they were at different evolution stages and at different levels of maturity, in their evolutionary trajectory of regeneration and development. 

They had different degrees of automation in their manufacturing, service and organization, they had different capabilities in developing or utilizing competitive tools and technologies, they worked with different resources, different speeds, at different levels of conviction, commitment and flexibility.

People I worked with, were from different levels of hierarchy at their respective organizations, their positions varied from highest ranking officers to regular employees. They had different backgrounds, different levels of education and different degrees of intelligence. They had different characters, different heritages, different personalities and different levels of experience and maturity. They operated at different levels and at different stages of rationality. They made use of different defenses, they had different dreams and different visions. They had different ambitions, different conditioning and different fixations. They operated at different levels of power, with very different explicit and covert agendas. Some operated at the level of full consciousness about all this and some not. They all operated at different levels of reality and thus, at different levels of neurosis and normality.

Naturally, each of the corporate, institutional and private clients and their players were embedded in different stages of macroeconomic, technological, cultural and historical conditions, development and evolution. This had a tremendous impact on their perception and capability of understanding, confronting and shaping the highly complex challenges met over the road.

There were different types of challenges I met and helped my clients solve over time: The obvious and the visible ones and then, the invisible and the hidden ones; the ones at the door and the ones in the near or distant future; the ones that will shake or end them and the ones, that will merely give them a fewer for some time. 

Given the natural complexity of the task, not each of these challenges were equally easy to perceive, to simplify, to communicate and to cure. 

Throughout the past twenty years I have spent at various parts of Europe, Middle East and United States, I found that, this unique variety of exposure slowly enabled me to develop an unprecedented know-how and experience in strategic, human and technological business, commerce and connectivity processes, architectures and applications as advanced competitive weapons.

In the course of this uniquely, deeply thrilling maturity process, I started recognizing and identifying recursive patterns, nontrivial links and invisible relationships between seemingly unrelated phenomena, between seemingly unrelated domains of knowledge and cause-effect relationships.

Combined with my growing experience and with my growing command in business, economics, history, law, science, technology, engineering,  psychology, anthropology and military domains, including their vast applications, this unique variety of exposure enabled me over a period of twenty years, to naturally engineer multi-billion dollar differences not only in the shareholder value of premium corporations, but also in the tasks and assignments entrusted to me by a select clientele I had the honor to serve loyally. Sometimes virtually, as multidimensional chess experiments in my mind and sometimes in reality.

Finally, over time, I developed and successfully implemented algorithms, tools and technologies to describe and to predict these patterns and to masterfully assess, diagnose and cure the corporate, institutional and private clients who sought my experience, know-how and assistance. 

This is how the General Theory of Cultural Genetics™ and its multimillion dollar applications have been formulated. 

The rich cultural diversity I was exposed to since my childhood, my strong academic background as well as my almost unique business experience, combined with a natural instinct to explore, to invent and to enhance, gave me over time, above average capabilities in assessing,  diagnosing and curing corporate, institutional and private clients from all over the world.

When I speak of the multibillion dollar applications in mergers and acquisitions, corporate evaluations, strategic planning, partnerships, investments, finance, connectivity, global architectures, automation, management systems, marketing, sales, communications, advertisement, country analyses,  regional development, joint ventures,  leadership development, recruitment and a multitude of other related domains, people are sometimes surprised about the variety and the magnitude of the highly complex areas mentioned here, defying the conventional wisdom and the conventional approaches on how to go about them.

The erroneous perception of variety and magnitude occurs,  because of a lack of sufficiently in depth knowledge and experience about the true constitution of the above specified areas and the true dynamics presented in them.

There are various forms and appearances of energy. But, { E = mc² } does explain them all. In this sense, the General Theory of Cultural Genetics™ and its subset Corporate Genetics™ describe the { E = mc² } of complex cultural systems.

Keep in mind that, corporations, institutions, economies and even nations are nothing but complex cultural systems and diligently, meticulously obey the same universal laws and principles.

The proprietary trademark Cultural Genetics™ therefore, is not a verbal clim-bim or a cultural hocus pocus. It is a strictly scientific, an advanced mathematical and a highly methodical approach to assess, diagnose and to cure the corporate, institutional and the macroeconomic performance and results anywhere in the world, with incomparably less resources than anything remotely associated.

Without any doubt, it is at least twenty to fifty years ahead of anything remotely comparable in our time.

©  Deniz Sar, New York, USA, 2001. All rights are reserved globally.

Deniz Sar's Cultural Genetics (TM) and Corporate Genetics (TM) Group International.

Cultural Genetics™, Corporate Genetics™, Cultural Genetics Technologies™, Corporate Genetics Technologies™Cultural DNA™, Corporate DNA™,
Cultural Genetic Fitness Assessment
™ and Corporate Genetic Fitness Assessment™ are proprietary trademarks exclusively owned by
Mr. F. Deniz Sar and Deniz Sar's Cultural Genetics
™ and Corporate Genetics™ Group International globally.
© Copyright, F. Deniz Sar, 1980 - 2097. All rights are reserved in USA and worldwide.