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Deniz Sar's Cultural Genetics (TM) and Corporate Genetics (TM) Group International.



Excerpts From A Multi-Billion Dollar Genesis

by Dr. Faruk Balcioglu, Political Consultant and Chief Editor, Turkey
©  Dr. Faruk Balcioglu, Ankara, Turkey, 2001. 
April IX, 2001, Ankara, Turkey

Mr. Deniz Sar is the President & CEO of Cultural Genetics Technologies™ Corporation, USA and the world's leading authority in Cultural Genetics™, Corporate Genetics™ and Cultural Genetics Technologies™ with various multi-billion dollar applications in almost every aspect of our professional, corporate and institutional lives.

The proprietary theory and applications of Cultural Genetics™ and Cultural Genetics Technologies™ have been invented, developed, rigorously tested, as well as successfully applied and implemented by Mr. Deniz Sar, throughout his extensive theoretical and empirical research and international consulting career during the past twenty years. ( 1 )

His phenomenal accomplishments as an international top-management consultant, as a top-management trainer, as a coach and as a mentor, skyrocketed him in recent years to be known and respected as one of the leading corporate doctors and shareholder value maximization specialists in the world. ( 1 )

Enron's and MCI's demise, the collapse of the US telecommunications industry, the collapse of the US stock markets and approaching former severe crises in several other countries have all been foreseen and adequately reported by Mr. Deniz Sar at least two to five years prior to the actual events taking place, only to mention a few examples to his skills, to his experience and to his genius. ( 1 )

The rich cultural diversity he was exposed to since his childhood, his strong academic background, combined with a natural instinct to explore, to invent and to enhance and his unique heuristics give him wizard-like capabilities in assessing, diagnosing and improving leaders, professionals, companies, institutions and macro-economic transitions all over in the world. ( 1 )

Predicting his clients' success and relative failure many years before the results of their operations or investments would even start being visible and his urging for according and timely interventions are considered to be among his unique specialties, that are highly regarded among the top-decision-makers of this world. ( 1 )

His firm command in anthropology, history, psychology, economics, business, science, technology, engineering and military domains, including their vast applications, as well as their phenomenal synthesis in Cultural Genetics, Corporate Genetics™ and Cultural Genetics Technologies™ as a brilliant evolutionary next step, enable him, to naturally engineer multi- billion dollar improvements not only in the shareholder value of premium corporations, but also in the mission-critical tasks and assignments entrusted to him by his select clientele. ( 1 )

Throughout several years, he personally worked with hundreds of companies, and thousands of corporate leaders and top corporate executives from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, USA and other countries as a corporate doctor, as a top management consultant, as a coach and as a mentor with phenomenal success. ( 1 )

Cultural Genetics™, Corporate Genetics™ and Cultural Genetics Technologies™ invented and developed by Mr. Deniz Sar, provide us with various multi-billion dollar applications in mergers & acquisitions, corporate evaluations, strategic planning, partnerships, investments, finance, global architectures, connectivity, automation, communications, sales, marketing, advertisement, joint ventures, management development, recruitment, country analyses, regional development, and related domains. ( 1 )

For many years now and parallel to his several top-management consulting assignments, he meticulously studied, analyzed and assessed the emerging new economy, several blue-chip companies in the new economy, their operations, their management and the global context of their gradual and potential impact. 

He has a vast amount of knowledge and experience in strategic, human and technological business, commerce and connectivity architectures and applications as advanced competitive weapons. 

For years, he regularly appeared in the morning and evening interview programs and several other talk shows on the national TV where he was headquartered at. His Star, HBB, TGRT and HBB appearances in several programs, contributed to his public recognition as a premium expert, as a full-blood entrepreneur, as an investor and as a businessman. ( 2 )

His success and his accomplishments were portrayed in the monthly VIP Magazine, he was listed among the Top-100 most successful people of 1994 in Intermedia Economy, one of the then highly popular business magazines; several interviews with him were published in the Business Trend and in the Finance World magazines on the breathtaking successes of his Top-Management Consulting, Top-Management Selection and International Investments enterprises. ( 2 )

Some of his phenomenal Top-Management and Leadership Development Programs were listed for years among the best and the most expensive seminars and training of the industry globally. ( 2 )

His Corporate and Top-Management Assessment, Evaluation and Restructuring Programs were breathtaking competitive weapons in the challenging run for longer-term corporate survival in this never ending drama, secured by the timely and accurate transitions as reliable outcomes of these programs and their implementations. ( 2 )

More interestingly, all of these programs, methods and methodologies were entirely and exclusively developed by Mr. Deniz Sar during his decades long empirical and theoretical research, testing and improvement, that took place in many different countries and geographies throughout the world. ( 2 )

What others plainly perceived as mere Top-Management Development Seminars and Training, were for Deniz Sar in fact the most advanced individual, professional, corporate and institutional assessment, communication, testing and experimental knowledge generation platforms of the world in the entire history of mankind. ( 2 )

As a matter of fact, this 'tiny, little' or may be 'enormously huge' difference, substantially changed the fate of most of his individual, professional and corporate clients throughout the time. Some were blind and deaf and some weren't. ( 2 )

Those who weren't, made hundreds of millions of dollars difference in their balance sheets. The ones who were, are either no longer around or are gradually disappearing beyond regular perception. ( 2 )

And then came the proprietary Theory and Applications of Cultural Genetics™ and Cultural Genetics Technologies™ as a phenomenal and as an unmatched improvement to his prior results and accomplishments.

In fact, if we examine closer, we shall see, that this unbelievable thread of extraordinary accomplishments had already started in his early childhood. Some early patterns of success, talent and brilliance, actually, never really changed over time:

Mr. Deniz Sar had his primary, secondary and high school education at Ankara College, an elite school with fulltime English curriculum, serving the business and government establishment in Ankara. Between ages six and fifteen, he was several times school's and his classes best student and successfully represented his school in several knowledge competitions on the national TV and off screen. 

After a series of selection examinations, he was ranked the third among thousands of highly selected candidates and received a national scholarship for advanced studies abroad. 

Choosing to attend an elite curriculum offered by the Technical University of Berlin -an incredibly attractive and tough combination of business administration, economics and engineering subjects- he laid the groundwork of a very broad management, economics and engineering knowledge, which would serve him well in later years. 

Authorities have been experimenting on how to simplify and shorten up this highly challenging and complex curriculum ever since. Several incremental simplification steps have been implemented throughout the past few years, to simplify this insane curriculum, which originally lasted between seven to nine years to complete in average.

The original motto of this elite curriculum was: 'Das Unmoegliche Ist Unsere Spezializierung !', which meant something like, 'The Impossible Is Our Specialization !'.

After all those simplifications, I am pretty sure that the new motto of the curriculum should sound a little more down to earth in the recent years.

Several famous research institutes and innovation parks were incorporated into programs offered in those years. This made valuable insights into the inner operations and the most state of the art projects of some of world’s most famous companies possible. Some of those companies were Mercedes Benz, Siemens, Nixdorf, Volkswagen, BMW, AEG and MB&B. 

Some others were the most notorious innovation startup's of the world. Mr. Deniz Sar knew them all very well, before anybody had even heard of them or had even shown the slightest interest in them.

Typical for Mr. Deniz Sar.

He took full advantage of the incredibly free research and development platform offered by this, one of the best-funded universities of the world. He visited 11 additional courses and took additional exams even beyond the regular scope of this rich double major bachelor and master's curriculum. 

Both his business and engineering graduation theses were hailed as 'spectacular', as 'excellent' and they were both regarded as 'significantly contributing to the present knowledge potential of our time'. 

In his 980 pages and 5 volumes long, fully independent Engineering Thesis, he developed a groundbreaking Integrated Algorithmic Enterprise Model as a Central Strategic-Operational Decision-Making, Early-Warning and Controlling Unit of the Top-Strategic Command and applied it to the Determination of the Optimum Automation Degree of Manufacturing Systems and Organization Structures in general.

This truly groundbreaking research and development work, first proved the original agenda set for the project at this one of the most famous research institutes of the European continent as wrong and then proved also the rest of the generally accepted assumptions as fully dismissible, under the astounded and dismayed eyes of some of the nuts and bolts engineers and their academic cheer leaders, who probably were not accustomed to something this groundbreaking, this authentic and this original.

These academic cheer leaders, who gave each other professor-titles mostly for successfully managed mini-projects and who, in shameless self-inflation, considered themselves as some sort of a research establishment, disregarding their heroic cut and paste practices as notorious paper-tigers, needed three one-hour presentations from Mr. Deniz Sar personally, until they had some idea about what he meant at all and before they conceded the groundbreaking nature of the work in private, but did not have the character, the nobility and the courage to do the same in public.

On the contrary, these slimy paper-tigers even tried to mislead the public about the truly groundbreaking, the authentically original nature of this gigantic work submitted by this one brilliant man, by this young and lone genius.

They must have been obviously afraid, that conceding his brilliance and genius, would make their extremely limited existence and dullness even more visible.

First, they shamelessly dared to distort and to simplify the original title given by it's true author, Deniz Sar, into something trivial and negligible, after the thesis was already printed and submitted. 

The original title of the work submitted was 'Automation As A Strategic Weapon Of The Fourth Dimension'. 

The subtitle of the submitted work read 'Derivation Of A General And Strategic-Operational Decision, Control And Early-Warning System From the KGN-Context, On The Example Of The Determination of The Optimum Automation Degree Of Manufacturing Systems and Organization Structures'.

The paper-tigers and their quasi academic cheerleaders dared to distort and to simplify this original title, into something trivial and almost negligible.

They were trying to hide the groundbreaking content of this thesis from the eyes of the public in order to steal it's content more comfortably later on.

They were trying to hide the groundbreaking content of this thesis, that disproved substantial portions of what they had been teaching for decades, from the eyes of the public.

What they did not know then, was, that there were some other 600 pages Mr. Deniz Sar wrote, but never submitted. He also never submitted the full-blown software he had developed as the crème de la crème of this gigantic research and development effort and this, they did not know either.

These other 600 pages and the full-blown DESAGO Software were later the prime cash-cows of his international consulting business he had safely brought under Alpha International Top-Management Consulting Limited at the beautiful blue of the Bosphorous, after launching it first at the stinky dust of East-Lansing, Michigan, USA.

The 'Integrated Enterprise Model', in other words, the 'Central Strategic-Operational Decision, Control And Early-Warning System' Mr. Deniz Sar developed as the climax of his submitted work, was called by him ' The DESAGO Model'.

This gigantic and fully independent research and development effort had made all the rest of the exams Mr. Deniz Sar needed to take, look like some boring and trivial pieces of administrative hurdles.

Trying to solve a real-world problem that was considered to be unsolvable until then, was quite a different mind set, than answering some simple questions that were mostly available word by word in the general text books.

Deniz Sar never really tried to maximize his Grade Point Average therefore, but rather his extreme Problem Solving Skills, until he became a master, a wizard in dealing with Super Complexity and High-Parameter Multi-Dimensionality, as the crucial orientations for a premium Systems Engineer of the best sort.

These are the constitution of his glasses, when he looks at people, processes and structures around him. He does not look at these things the way other people do. He looks at them as substitutable and modifiable systems elements of abstract nature, that needed to be filled in and rearranged for the explicit or implicit purpose of a higher Goal Satisfaction Degree of the  involved systems players.

His look is dissecting and unifying, rather then categorizing and criticizing. Therefore, sometimes difficult to understand for the rest, lacking these unusual and extreme qualifications.

This gigantic, original and groundbreaking work inspired and yielded several Dissertations an Habilitations later on, that read and looked like some mere weekend homework papers, compared to their genetic source, to their original. They were mere dull and boring copies compared to the genius of their genetic source, that was nothing less than Mr. Deniz Sar's revolutionary thesis.

It took these unoriginal paper-tigers another 5 years until they fully understood the true depths of this gigantic work of divine inspiration a little more and then they finally published a copycat book based on it's premium outcomes, always lagging those 'other' 600 pages Deniz Sar had not submitted. 

They helped some of their old shoe friends as members of their unholy clique of no talent, to submit their habilitations and gave them Professor Titles with stolen pieces from Mr. Deniz Sar's groundbreaking and original work.

Furthermore, they totally changed the structure, the semantics and the syntax of their mini-project-master double-institutes, without even mentioning Mr. Deniz Sar's name and without even thanking this genius for his leadership and mentorship.

These sorry copycats are now continuing their unoriginal and untruthful existence with the rests and pieces Mr. Deniz Sar left there once many years ago and they probably do not even now that they are extremely lagging once again and that they are at least 30 to 50 years behind Mr. Deniz Sar today, since they could not really steal his work in the past 15 years. 

These are some of the reasons, why Mr. Deniz Sar does not really like to publish his work and his research anymore. 

He wants to leave a long distance between himself, his genius, his originality and these sad, little copycats of the so called cheap establishment.

His 380 pages long Business Thesis was also graded with 1.0 or 'excellent' later on, which was expected by everybody anyway. In his Business Thesis, Mr. Deniz Sar developed the Logical Design of a Decision Support and Expert Support System of the Highest Strategic Command, as the Central Decision Making and Controlling Unit of an Abstract Corporation, utilizing Advanced Artificial Intelligence Tools, Methods and Know-How.

Another groundbreaking research thesis a la Deniz Sar. 

His brilliantly unconventional style and his innovativeness without usual compromises were once again his signature in this marvelous work. He was unmistakably speaking the language of the future once again, to some select few ears ready to understand and ready to capture his genius.

It is important to know though, that those 'other' 600 pages of the gigantic Engineering Thesis were not integrated in or submitted with this work here either. He kept them all for himself for later. 

He knew only too well, that his Alpha International Top Management Consulting Limited Company, that led the way first  to Alpha Consulting Group and than to Alpha Cybersoft as the Next Generation Alpha and then finally to the ultimate innovation, Cultural Genetics Technologies™ Corporation of New York, USA, would be emerging in a not too distant future to utilize all this groundbreaking know-how, commercially in dollars and professionally in satisfaction. ( 2 )

Internalizing all this enthusiasm, he founded Systems Team Future Research for Innovative Management under the mentorship of Professor Dr. H. Blohm and served as its Chairman and General Coordinator between 1984 and 1987 in Berlin.

Systems Team Future Research for Innovative Management was one of the most brilliant think-tanks of the world, founded by the participation of the European Industry, Advanced Academia and some of the best doctorate-level students of Technical University of Berlin or Technische Universitaet Berlin.

This think-tank was founded under the visionary leadership of Mr. Deniz Sar and worked as a micro lab for future management, digital communications and macroeconomic diagnosis.

Systems Team Future Research for Innovative Management led by Mr. Deniz Sar, organized and coordinated research and brainstorming marathons participated by the blue-chip industry as well as by the cutting edge academia, which then yielded several top-notch research papers and very well visited conference series. 

Some of those research marathons yielded the following conference series and papers: 'Inspirational Approaches To The Future Of Management', 'Psychology Of Innovative Leadership' and 'Interdisciplinary Macro-Engineering'.

These conference series and research papers were all very well sold. The conferences were all very well visited by the highest management levels of the European Industry and the Academia.

These research marathons and conference series were all packed with Organization, Management and Top-Decision-Making issues, combined with several advanced topics on Artificial Intelligence, Evolution Strategy, Bionics, Systems Engineering and Individual as well as Social Psychology.

All this had once again the signature of one brilliant young man: The signature of Mr. Deniz Sar.

In one of those conferences, Mr. Deniz Sar  presented the very first findings of his groundbreaking thesis 'Automation As A Strategic Weapon Of The Fourth Dimension' to a full packed room of two hundred visitors at the Industry and Trade Chamber of Berlin, at their Hardenberg Strasse location in Berlin.

In the very same years, he also participated a milestone convention of European Council on 'The Future Of Europe' at Strasbourg, France, representing Systems Team Future Research for Innovative Management and presented the views and research results of his brilliant think-tank. With his twenty four years, he  was one of the few speakers who made the closing statements of this European Council Convention on 'The Future Of Europe' at Strasbourg, France.

At one point, Mr. Deniz Sar was invited by Professor Dr. B. Hartmann and Professor Dr. E. Konrad to submit his Dissertation at their respective Institutes on Industrial Management and Knowledge Based Systems.

He completed but not further submitted his Doctoral Thesis 'The CPU Architecture Of An Unmanned Corporation As A Central Decision Making, Controlling And Early Warning Unit’ as it turned out to become a work of extreme commercial value and after having been recruited by the industry for top dollars.

Professor Hartmann died unfortunately soon after Deniz Sar's transfer to the industry and soon after the completion of his dissertation. 

In later years, Mr. Deniz Sar received though the exceptional Doctor Honoris Causalis Award of the emerging American Cultural Genetics Society in New York, in full recognition of the academic and professional excellence, brilliance, dedication and  persistence he has proven during his career. 

He enjoyed almost a VIP status as he signed up his contract with the industry for his immediate transfer to a very beautiful Swiss border location as an Assistant to the Manufacturing Director at one of the five Global Manufacturing Centers of a gigantic global holding company headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, with operations and investments wide spread to the whole world.

He was immediately given the assignment of Restructuring the Information Flow and the Production Control and Reorganizing the Production Control Department of the Manufacturing Plant; a highly automated war machine with state of the art Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Industrial Robots, notoriously shaking the best established brands of the world to the ground. 

A Global Manufacturing Center, an Industrial Plant, that powerful.

Upon receiving this overwhelming assignment, he first conducted a large scale Systems Analysis Study of the entire Global Manufacturing Center in regard to the information, man, material and product flow.

A redesign and a substantial restructuring of the whole system followed.

He developed and implemented from scratch, a SAP-RM-Compatible, new Production Control System he called PROS, as a cutting edge core of the entire Restructuring and Reorganization of the Information Flow and the Production Control at this state of the art and very ambitious Global Manufacturing Center, running a 7 days, 24 hours and 4 shifts operation with 2500 full and part-time workers and around 200 manufacturing stages and stations.

Parallel to the development and implementation of PROS in the entire Global Manufacturing Center, he also coordinated and supervised the SAP-RM implementation at the Production Control Department.

He successfully engineered the mission-critical SAP-RM and PROS interface, for a smooth operation of the entire information flow and radically reorganized the Production Control Department in incremental and iterative test cycles, taking all the irrational resistance and heat for these substantial changes in the organizational structure and organizational dynamics of the plant.

His next assignment was, setting up a Yield Management Department Prototype in the Global Manufacturing Center, directly reporting to the Global Manufacturing Center Director. 

Thus, only in nine months he was promoted to the next level. He was now directly reporting to the Global Manufacturing Center Director and not to his former boss, the Manufacturing Director, anymore. 

He started to regularly participate the weekly Top-Management Meetings and Conferences at the highest corporate levels, among a select group of much older top-managers he first called old foxes and then, gradually, old crooks, to compliment them in the right channel frequency as it was a custom.

During the development and the SAP-RM-Compatible implementation of PROS, during the plant-wide implementation of this new planning, control and reporting system, but also during the huge Systems Analysis Study also conducted by Mr. Deniz Sar and his PROS-Team, prior to the development of this new system as it's analytical fundament and forerunner, Mr. Deniz Sar had uncovered huge Inventory Differences amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars per Planning and Control Cycle, between the physical and virtual reporting of the Plant Inventories, meaning, between their manual and automated SAP-RM reporting.

This would have a catastrophic impact on every single accounting output and every single price and cost calculation performed in the Global Manufacturing Center and further in the Holding Company, if not analyzed and corrected immediately.

The importance and the magnitude of this, by Mr. Deniz Sar only as a side-dish uncovered small catastrophe, attracted the immediate attention of the Holding Headquarters and the Internal Audit Department, who under the dismayed eyes of the Plant Director and his sleeping peers, loved this young energy bundle for his multi-million dollar worth of side-dish discovery, as he was merely set out to design, develop and implement a SAP-RM-Compatible Manufacturing Planning, Control and Reporting System for the entire Global Manufacturing Center, which he had named PROS.

Thus, after successfully completing his PROS-Project, Mr. Deniz Sar immediately received his next assignment as an enviable promotion coming from the highest ranks of the Holding Headquarters.

His new assignment was, designing, developing and implementing a Yield Management Department Prototype in the Global Manufacturing Center, directly reporting to the Global Manufacturing Center Director, to the Holding Headquarters and to the highest ranks of the Internal Audit Department.

This new Yield Management Department Prototype was supposed to be a model and a projection also for the other Global Manufacturing Centers of the Holding Company in the future.

Thus, not only with the highly successful PROS Design, Development and Implementation, but also with this new Total Yield Management Prototype Development Assignment , Mr. Deniz Sar was as always at the center of mission critical tasks and accomplishments as the leading star of the show and he was operating once again at the fore frontiers of the ultimate human intelligence, capacity and capability as a savior of some organizations and structures,  who badly needed his skills, his talent and his brilliance.

During this new assignment, Mr. Deniz Sar designed and developed the world's first prototypical Total Yield Management System and successfully applied it to Industrial Manufacturing in this Global Manufacturing Center.

His Total Yield Management Machine was built on innovational concepts, such as: Investments Yield, Productivity Yield, Material Yield, Financial Yield, Personnel Yield and Market Yield. His famous 'MAGY' was one of the many innovational concepts and modules of this insane Total Yield Management Machine of his own creation.

The implementation and the applications of this Total Yield Management Machine, resulted in hundreds of millions of dollar cost savings and profit improvements at this one location: At this one Global Manufacturing Center. 

As a result, he was promoted once again, to lead an International Yield Management Task Force of seventeen participating engineers, senior engineers and senior internal audit officers from Germany, Switzerland and United States and to adjust and implement this Yield Management Department Prototype designed, developed and tested by Mr. Deniz Sar, also at several other Global Manufacturing Centers of the Holding Company simultaneously.

The result was once again a phenomenal success.

The weekly Top-Management Meetings and Conferences at the highest corporate levels he was regularly attending among a select group of much older top-managers, enabled him to participate in several mergers & acquisitions crusades, corporate evaluation and share value assessment studies and projects, global advertisement and product positioning campaigns, mixed distribution channel optimization decisions, several strategic and operational corporate policy implementations and even more interesting and classified occurrences of a highest strategic command setting.

These breathtaking systems, results and accomplishments were certainly not the ultimate highlights of his fascinating career, regardless of how bright and how breathtaking they were. 

Not what he did or what he worked on was the main issue here, but how he did whatever he did mattered most. This was the key to the so called Deniz-Sar-Difference. This made him brilliantly unique. This made him the brilliantly unique competitive weapon, you better had on your side.

His fascinatingly broad knowledge, his internal intellectual depth and his brilliance could hardly be matched by even the best of the teams and yet this constituted his uniqueness and his phenomenological brilliance in assessing, diagnosing and solving complex professional, corporate and institutional problems anywhere in the world.

In his fascinating career, he completed several breathtaking projects in banking, insurance, stock brokerage, logistics, textile,  customs brokerage, information systems, e-business, connectivity, foreign trade, management consulting, investments, mass tourism, airline, information technology and ground services industries reporting to their highest strategic command.

Throughout his fascinating career, Mr. Deniz Sar developed highly successful corporate operations, groundbreaking systems and software, led high performance teams, managed mission impossible projects, solved systems and business problems acclaimed to be unsolvable and coached, mentored and trained hundreds of corporate presidents, board members, general managers and vice-presidents towards extraordinary results in their corporate performances. ( 1 )

With all this unusual ambition in his veins, Mr. Deniz Sar decided to go after new ventures at some fascinating new frontiers, rejecting even a house financed at this one of the most beautiful corners of the European continent.

'I am still too young to settle down this tragically' was his answer, as he was confronted with an offer including a house financed at this one of the most beautiful corners of Europe, between France, Germany and Switzerland.

It took him about six months to cut himself lose from his existing bonds and engagements at the present location. Nobody really wanted to let him go, given his extraordinary skills, energy, hard work and talent.

He had tasks and projects in his mind, nobody had yet dreamt of and he definitely wanted to go after them.

Thus, he left this, one of the most beautiful corners of the European continent, for the sticky volcanic dust of a remote place to complete his compulsory military service he could not postpone anymore.

After his compulsory military service, he bought his offices at the beautiful blue of the Bosphorous and started developing phenomenal products and services he would soon offer worldwide. 

He slowly started to build the legal and the organizational framework of Alpha International Top-Management Consulting Limited Company as the first Strategic Corporate Unit of the phenomenal Alpha Consulting Group that would emerge later.

In the mean time, he surveyed, researched and gained snapshot experiences with the Investment Banking, Foreign Trade, Trade Agency and Management Consulting Industries around him.

Every single day Mr. Deniz Sar spends at such intense survey, assessment or analysis crusades at under the microscope taken industries, corporate settings and environments in general, are usually equal to other more normal people's one full year of experience.

In this brief period, utilizing his substantial knowledge and experience in Macroeconomic Evaluations, Corporate Evaluations, Share Value Assessments and Mergers & Acquisitions, he made a considerable amount of money from his stock investments with the original intention of 'just playing with the market for a while'.

Yes, life is definitely very interesting and surprising.

Following all these preparations and before he launched his Alpha International Top-Management Consulting Limited Company in full, he decided to visit United States and do some more advanced research and development there for about a year and surely, if he found a program that matched his advanced knowledge and skills, he would certainly consider joining that program for yet  another advanced degree.

During his USA Research Tour he visited Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, MU, Syracuse and MSU and examined various curricula on business, economics, psychology, psychoanalysis as well as computer engineering and attended various lectures and courses as a visitor, only to conclude, that he was already far more advanced than even the most advanced programs being offered there and what he considered supremely important, was also not part of the programs offered in those institutions. 

Thus, he decided to develop his own programs and his own methodologies. This was the birth of his exceptional international career as a corporate doctor, as a top management consultant, as a top management trainer, as a coach and as a mentor. 

Upon his return, he finally launched his Alpha International Top-Management Consulting Limited Company officially.

Later, Alpha International Top Management Consulting Limited first gave birth to Alpha Bright Top Management Selection Limited and then to Alpha International Investments Limited Companies under his leadership. ( 2 )

The growth of Alpha International was so fast and so breathtaking that the phenomenal Alpha International replicated itself in cell division into two newer cell complexes popularly called Alpha Bright and Alpha Investments. ( 2 )

In later years, this full blood entrepreneur with amazing academic and business credentials, engineered an unbelievable growth by silently leading corporate innovations at an exponential rate not only in Turkey, but also in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Hungary, Poland and several other countries. ( 2 )

He was not merely a distributor, a representative or a mere salesman of other people's products and services. On the contrary: Alpha was built by Mr. Deniz Sar as a cutting edge knowledge factory, as a research and development  lab, as an experiment ground in determining the optimum future transition for professional, corporate and institutional competitiveness. ( 2 )

Much to the dismay of their larger and less talented international and domestic copycats, Alpha and Deniz Sar was the name of the game if you were a serious and truly competitive corporation and if you were looking for brilliant solutions to your present and future, authentic and real problems. The way how this was accomplished was not necessarily dollars, but talent, brilliance and IQ. ( 2 )

Between 1992 and 1998, Alpha International Top Management Consulting Limited, Alpha Bright Top Management Selection Limited and Alpha International Investments Limited, which were later tightly knit into the Alpha Consulting Group, 'silently led corporate innovations' in the brilliant hands of this phenomenal entrepreneur, again, not only in Turkey, but also in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Hungary, Poland and several other countries. ( 2 )

This breathtaking path led throughout years to the phenomenal Theory and Applications of Cultural Genetics and Corporate Genetics invented and developed by Mr. Deniz Sar and to his Cultural Genetics Technologies™ Corporation headquartered in New York, USA. ( 1 )

He never published the real core of his in depth strategic and operational know-how, nor his Theory and Applications of Cultural Genetics and Cultural Genetics Technologiesin its entirety, as a phenomenal new domain with a multi-billion dollar impact for present and potential professional, corporate and institutional clients anywhere in the world. ( 1 )

When asked, he jokingly answers, that Gates also never published his Windows code, then he quotes Newton, that regardless of our accomplishments, we all play at the shores of a dark ocean, until one day we discover the light.  

There are more stories to be told in this Multibillion Dollar Genesis.

You will find them all in several Iceberg Papers presented to you in the Adventures of the Mind of Cultural Genetics Technologies™ Corporation.


( 1 ) Deniz Sar: On Formulating the General Theory and Applications of Cultural Genetics, Iceberg Papers, Adventures of the Mind, Cultural Genetics Technologies™ Corporation, New York, 2001. 

( 2 ) Dr. Avni Demirci: Anatomy of a Quality Brand Name or Reflections on The-Deniz-Sar-Difference I Witnessed, Iceberg Papers, Adventures of the Mind, Cultural Genetics Technologies™ Corporation, New York, 2001. 

©  Dr. Faruk Balcioglu, Ankara, Turkey, 2001. 

Deniz Sar's Cultural Genetics (TM) and Corporate Genetics (TM) Group International.

Cultural Genetics, Corporate Genetics, Cultural Genetics Technologies, Corporate Genetics TechnologiesCultural DNA, Corporate DNA,
Cultural Genetic Fitness Assessment
and Corporate Genetic Fitness Assessment are proprietary trademarks exclusively owned by
Mr. F. Deniz Sar and Deniz Sar's Cultural Genetics
and Corporate Genetics Group International globally.
© Copyright, F. Deniz Sar, 1980 - 2097. All rights are reserved in USA and worldwide.